London Fields Primary School

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London Fields Primary School News

School News

The latest news stories from London Fields Primary School.


News Stories

  • Year 3 have been coding Probots!
    This term in Computing, Year 3 have been learning about probots. We had to program the probot to move around the mats (changing direction and pausing at junctions) without us touching them once!
  • Safer Internet Day
    This week we have been celebrating Safer Internet Day
  • Makey-Makeys in Year Five
    Year Five has been using makey-makeys to create their own controllers.
  • Big Me day 2019!
    Today we demonstrated our plans for the future by dressing up as 'Big Me'. We represented a huge range of careers from Doctors and Vets, to Pilots and Footballers, Builders and Fashion Designers and a LOT of teachers!
  • Databases and Comic Strips in Year 4
    Year 4 have been busy developing databases and creating comic strips
  • Message Sent!
    Year Two have been learning all about emails.
  • Coding in Year Four
    In Year Four, we've been learning to code!
Showing 31-37 of 37