Governing Body
London Fields Primary School's Governing Body ensures that high standards are achieved and maintained throughout the school. The body is made up of parents, members of staff and community representatives.
Their responsibilities include:
- Setting Strategic Direction - through clarity of vision, meeting statutory duties, engagement of parents and community stakeholders;
- Acting as a Critical Friend - by supporting and challenging the school to improve;
- Creating Robust Accountability - setting targets for pupil progress and achievement, teaching, behaviour and safety, review staff performance and pay, contribute to school evaluation;
- Ensuring Financial Probity - managing the school's finances and effectively utilise pupil premium to improve pupil progress and achievement.
Caroline Tyson, Chair of Governors
Caroline Tyson is a retired headteacher of an outstanding primary school who has worked in Hackney for many years. Prior to becoming a head, she helped to develop very successful early reading and catch up reading programmes, training and supporting both primary and secondary schools across the UK and abroad. During her career, she has worked in graphic design and print production and also as a nurse in the NHS. Caroline is a governor at a local secondary school and also works as a school improvement partner for the local authority.
Sharon Taylor, Head Teacher
As the Head Teacher of London Fields, I am committed to continuing that never ending journey of self-review and planning for improvement. I think that the Governing body plays a key role as 'critical friends' to support and challenge the school in this process. Striving to provide the very best education for all our children means that we develop our practice, ensure we are aspirational for every child, and set the highest expectations. Underpinning what we do is our ambition that all of our school community feel well and think well.
Katherine Gillard, Staff Governor
Having trained as a teacher in Nottingham, I have worked in various settings in the UK, Tanzania, Ghana and Portugal. I have also had experience of working across all primary key stages. I came to London Fields, initially as a Year 5 class teacher, in 2008 as part of the new team that moved the school rapidly out of special measures. I know the dramatic impact that an effective school can have on a child’s life chances and self esteem. As Deputy Head, I remain determined to make London Fields the best school it can be. I see my role as staff governor as key in providing a vital bridge between the staff and the rest of the governing body to ensure that initiatives and developments are communicated clearly and effectively.
Penny Smith
I grew up in Hackney and attended both Primary and Secondary School within the borough. I remain a Hackney resident and I am wholly committed to creating opportunities through highly effective and inclusive education. I am in tune to the complexities of the borough and believe strongly that Hackney is now in a strong position to meet the needs of a diverse community and strive for excellence. On a personal level, I would like to commit myself as a governor to London Fields Primary School, as I know first-hand the difference an inclusive local school makes to the community and the pupils’ life chances. London Fields has undertaken a remarkable school improvement journey, I would like to commit to a Governing Body that will secure a positive future and build upon this strong foundation.
I have worked in Hackney Schools for 10 years in a variety of roles: class teacher, EYFS leader, Literacy lead, Safeguarding lead, mentor and Deputy Head. In February 2011, I became Head at Whitmore Primary School. At the time the school was placed on the Governments list of 200 least preforming schools and had been judged by Ofsted as making inadequate progress. By 2013 all areas of the school had been transformed and judged to be outstanding (Ofsted May 2013). I have a high level of expertise in school improvement and determination to continuously move organisations forward. The Governing Body has a critical role in offering both support and challenge. As a Governor at London Fields I would bring both in equal measures; a critical eye that is supportive whilst challenging and ultimately securing the very best outcomes for the children and families.
Ophelia Carter
I currently hold the post of Head of Schools Finance at Hackney Learning Trust and have done so since 2007. I am responsible for the distribution of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) which is essentially the funding allocated to individual local authorities to provide education services. My team, of 6 Business Managers, provide financial support, through a traded service, to all schools in the Borough of Hackney. This includes activities such as assistance with setting school budgets, year-end closure, implementation of audit recommendations, training on SIMS (Finance Package), and attendance of Governing Body meetings where required. I have recently been involved in the restructure of Governors Services in my capacity as Interim Head of Governors Services. I share the role with another senior manager, and my duties focus heavily on the operational/administrative side of the service. I have been a governor at Princess May School for 15 years and have found this to be a gratifying experience, in particular, being a member of a team of people who were involved in the transformation of what was deemed an ‘inadequate’ school to one that was judged ‘good’ after the last Ofsted inspection. I am happy to serve on the governing body of London Fields Schools as I am eager to continue developing and strengthening existing skills. I am happy to positively contribute to the next generation and enjoy interacting with a wide range of people from a variety of social, cultural and religious backgrounds.
Natalie Sewell, Chair of Finance Committee
Having joined the Governing Body in December 2021, I am excited to be a part of the team working towards the academic success and worldliness of the pupils at London Fields Primary School. I intend to use my knowledge of education settings gained from being a Mum to primary school-aged children, and my business acumen from my role as as Business Manager in an Asset Management house to support the school, it's staff and, most importantly, pupils, on all matters including financial.
Governing Body Calendar 2024-25 + Membership
Governing Body Calendar 2023-24 + Membership
Governing Body Calendar 2022-23 + Membership
Declaration of Interest 24-25
Declaration of interest (OC)
Declaration of interest (KG)
Declaration of interest (HF)