London Fields Primary School

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Assessment in the EYFS


Observations and Assessments

As part of our daily practice we informally observe and assess pupil development and progress to inform our teaching and planning. Teachers keep photographic observations of children working independently at chosen activities in the continuous provision, as well as during guided carpet sessions. Each child has a 'Learning Book' which is a celebration of their progress and achievements in learning across the academic year.

Each child in Reception also has a phonics book in which they write sounds and words in daily. This develops into writing short phrases and later, simple sentences.   

Parents and carers are invited to attend a parent evening twice a year, where they are given feedback on their child's progress in learning and development. We also write an end of year report for all pupils.  


Reception Baseline 

We assess Reception children using the Reception Baseline in Autumn One.


Early Years Profile

We complete the Early Years Profile in Summer Two.