London Fields Primary School

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London Fields Primary School News

The latest news stories from London Fields Primary School.


News Stories

  • Happy at school
    Early Years display in our Wellbeing gallery
  • Fun in the Sun
    Visit the Y6 page under News, Year 6, to see the photos of school journey.
  • Can you save the world with Lego?
    Years 2, 3 and 4 were lucky enough to have a Lego workshop with 13 volunteers from Lego. They were given a huge box of lego and were asked to invent something that might help to protect our planet.
  • Printing Art Gallery Success!
    Thank you to everyone who came to last night's art gallery to celebrate the children's amazing printing work which had been inspired by Indian embroidery.
  • Apollo Music
    Apollo Music are welcomed back to London Fields
  • Attendance Stars
    AUTUMN TERM 1 (03.09.19—18.10.19) 224 children across the school maintained 100% attendance for Autumn Term 1 - That is a fantastic achievement!!!
  • Autumn in Hackney
    Enjoy Hackney in autumn.
  • Year 2 sing their hearts out!
    Today, Year 2 visited the Royal Festival Hall to take part in the Brightsparks Concert.
  • Year 2 make healthy wraps!
    Year 2 have started the week in a healthy way with their first cooking lesson.
  • Our Reading Trees
    We have loved watching our trees grow this half term.
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