Stolen bike alert - Parents Another parent this morning has unfortunately reported a bike stolen on drop off. Bikes are frequently stolen in this area. Please ensure (even if the visit is for a few seconds/minutes) that the bike is secured with a suitable lock.
Big Me day 2019! Today we demonstrated our plans for the future by dressing up as 'Big Me'. We represented a huge range of careers from Doctors and Vets, to Pilots and Footballers, Builders and Fashion Designers and a LOT of teachers!
Raising Money For Children In Need Thank you to everyone who contributed today. As a school team we have raised lots of money (still to be totalled!).
Christmas Trees! This year, FoLF is offering you the opportunity to order a Christmas tree from the school.
Winter Fair! Friends of London Fields presents...the Winter Fair 2019!
Attendance Stars AUTUMN TERM 1 (03.09.19—18.10.19)
224 children across the school maintained 100% attendance for Autumn Term 1 - That is a fantastic achievement!!!