London Fields Primary School

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London Fields Primary School News

School News

The latest news stories from London Fields Primary School.


News Stories

  • Kim's Kitchen
    Our cooking curriculum has been able to partially resume during the school closure.
  • Salad Harvest in Year One
  • Year 6 Gardening
    Green-fingered Year 6 have been keeping busy in the Edible Playground.
  • MasterChef in Year 6
    In cooking today, we used up all the ingredients which had not been used by other classes, making sure we do not contribute to food waste because we care about our environment and want to look after our planet and be resourceful, kind citizens.
  • Big Me day 2019!
    Today we demonstrated our plans for the future by dressing up as 'Big Me'. We represented a huge range of careers from Doctors and Vets, to Pilots and Footballers, Builders and Fashion Designers and a LOT of teachers!
  • Year 4 Cooking Club
    Parents and children loved their third session this week.
Showing 31-36 of 36