London Fields Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Year 1
  3. Year 1 create a jungle!

Year 1 create a jungle!

9 February 2024 (by cdamigos)

Year 1's amazing creations inspired by Henri Rousseau's jungle paintings.

We learnt about the artist Henri Rousseau and how he used colours and exaggerated elements to create different emotions in his paintings. We developed our practical skills by mixing different shades and tints of green to match some of the greens he used in his paintings. Then it was our turn to create our own collaborative artwork! Together we used the technique of printing with our hands and objects to create a jungle background. Finally we made jungle animals by collaging different materials including fabric, feathers and buttons and decided as a team where they should go on our background. We presented our artworks to the class and described how we were inspired by Henri Rousseau.