London Fields Primary School

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  3. Moments Matter, Attendance Counts!

Moments Matter, Attendance Counts!

24 January 2024 (by Nedal Al-Chamaa (nalchamaa))

Attendance Update Moments Matter, Attendance Counts! - this is in reference to a recent campaign to improve school attendance. It is nationally a big priority. Please do communicate with the school if you have any questions

London Fields has always seen attendance as significant and we firmly believe that attending regularly for all our children is so important for lots of different reasons. The school policy and useful attendance data can also be seen on our attendance page. London Fields has always seen attendance as significant and we firmly believe that attending regularly for all our children is so important for lots of different reasons. 

Please continue to support the school and the children in continuing to improve attendance levels. Please remember that term time leave can only be approved in exceptional circumstances. 

You might also find the following link useful? Is my child too ill for school?

The NHS and the Chief Medical Officer say it is usually appropriate for parents and carers to sendtheir children to school with mild respiratory illnesses, including general cold symptoms like a minor cough, runny nose or sore throat.