London Fields Primary School

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  1. News
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  3. Sustainability Champs Feedback

Sustainability Champs Feedback

20 December 2023 (by Katherine Gillard (kgillard))

Today, our Sustainability Champs did a tour of the school to see if we are committed to our sustainability mission: To meet our needs without hurting the World.

The Sustainability Champions set off with their notebooks to see how well our school is doing with fulfilling our sustainability mission. They had in mind the five key issues we have identified as a school: water, waste, travel, energy and purchase power. They did spot-checks on classrooms, communal areas and offices. They discovered that lots of us are using the recycling bins correctly, thinking about how many lights we need on in a classroom, turning lights and computers off in rooms that are not in use and traveling to school using sustainable forms of transport (looking at the number of bikes and scooters in the playground). They also heard that some children were wearing Christmas jumpers that their older brothers or sisters had previously worn and they really loved hearing how clothes were being re-used. There did identify a few pointers to work on such as, making sure we use less paper as a school and making sure non-recyclable materials do not accidently get put in some of the communal recycling bins. The Sustainability Champions put together a feedback video, thanking the school for what they are doing and some top tips for moving forward. The teachers shared this with their classes. A big thank you to our Sustainability Champions for all their hard work in promoting the school's mission.