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  1. News
  2. Year 2
  3. Maths and Dreidels?!

Maths and Dreidels?!

20 December 2023 (by uakyuz)

Year Two have been practising their multiplication using dreidels!

Year Two have been developing their knowledge on 'Multiplication and Division' to get better at 'Understanding Numbers'. To consolidate our learning on 1, 2, 5 and 10 time tables, we decided to play a multiplication game using dreidels!

In RE this term, we learnt about the Jewish Festival of Light (Hanukkah). Throughout our topic, we learnt that families play a game of dreidels during the time of the festival - We had a go at playing a game of dreidels ourselves!

For our maths lesson, our teachers gave us a selection of cards (each showing a different number). We took turns spinning the dreidel and depending on the face that the dreidel landed on, we had to multiply our number card with the multiplication the face of the dreidel represented.

Each face of the dreidel represented the following:

Nun: x1

Gimmel: x2

Hey: x5

Shin: x10