London Fields Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Exploring the Year 1 classrooms

Exploring the Year 1 classrooms

21 June 2023 (by Natalie (nski))

Reception children have begun their transition to Year 1. They explored their future classrooms looking for similarities and differences between their current one and the one we were visiting. All the children were excited to see that they will still be learning how to read and write and knew a lot of the red words displayed, that they would still have a peg to put their coats on, just like in Reception, that the Year One classroom has a Zones of Regulation board just like they have now. The children were curious about the displays, looking forward to learn many new things and subjects. 

We will continue to visit the Year One classrooms and playground over the next few weeks to help us have a smooth transition to the next year group.