Performing to an Audience!14 June 2023 (by Katherine Gillard (kgillard)) |
Reception children enjoyed a performance by Y3 pupils!
A group of Y3 children were developing their knowledge of how to be an effective speaker. They were set the task to bring to life a section of a story that they had been studying in their literacy lessons. They had to be sure that they could decode all the words and comprehend the story in order to read with expression and fluency. The Y3 children also thought carefully about how the punctuation used by the author could help support their reading aloud. After spending time rehearsing, the children were ready to perform to an amazing audience! The reception children were made to feel comfortable as soon as they arrived (bean bags and cushions were at the ready!) and they thoroughly enjoyed hearing part of the story. After the performance, the Y3 children explained the rest of the story to the children and took questions from the Reception children about the text and their performance. Well done Y3 children for a super performance and thank you Reception for being a great audience!