London Fields Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Whole School
  3. Coffee Morning Page For Parents and Carers

Coffee Morning Page For Parents and Carers

9 March 2021 (by Sam Bass (SBass))

On the school website there is now a 'Coffee Morning' page, you can find it on the 'Parents and Carers' drop down menu.

This page will tell you when the next coffee morning will be and you will be able to register your interest using the sign up form.

This page will also be where any presentations or resources that are shared or requested at any coffee morning sessions will be posted for you all to look at at your convenience. Including a special series of webinars being recorded for us by Temi Olayinka, our school Mental Health Practitioner. The first one is there, have a look and use the google form to provide feedback and questions.