13.01.21 Weekly update from the Headteacher13 January 2021 (by Max Lawson (mlawson)) |
Click on this news story for a weekly update from Caroline in relation to the school closure, remote provision and face-to-face provision for children of critical workers.
All updates can be viewed by clicking here.
Weekly Update - 13th January 2021
Thank you for all the messages of support and the feedback we have had this week from families. All of the staff really appreciate it.
On line learning
This week we have started to really develop our on line offer and add to the existing resources. Please do keep feeding back, via your year group email, which activities work best for you and which your children enjoy the most. There is an expectation from central government and Ofsted that we provide a minimum of 3 hours work per day and we aim to meet this standard. However, this may not be appropriate for every child and for younger children in particular, my personal view is that you can’t beat a good book share and playing a game or trying out some of the forest school type activities in the park! If you are having difficulties in getting your child to engage, please do message via the year group email and staff will get back to you to offer support as best they can.
Key worker and vulnerable children provision in school
We review this provision on a weekly basis and have amended it this week. We are at capacity in the younger year groups and have very little space in key stage 2. Capacity is determined by the health and safety risk assessment. This is in line with guidance from Hackney Education. Currently we have 11 staff isolating or tested positive. Staff are offered a voluntary asymptomatic test to take before coming into school so that hopefully we can prevent spread of the virus across bubbles or the school. As stated before, we may have to close bubbles if we have a high rate of staff absence.
Free School Meal vouchers
The government have announced that they are using a voucher system, as they did during the last lockdown, for families eligible for free school meals. We are in the process of applying for them and have been told they will be available from 18th January. If you are registered for free school meals, we will be in touch. If you think you are eligible but are not sure, please do contact either the office or send an email via the year group email.
Extra data and devices
If you need help with data for your child’s on line learning or a device, such as a laptop, please do let us know. The government has funded extra data and we have a number of laptops we can loan to you during this period.
Best wishes,